Tabion - the supercharged tab manager

Tabion Chrome extension limits the number of tabs you can see in a window.
When you exceed the limit and open a new tab, the oldest one is hidden from the screen and added to your personalized feed.
Your Feed remains constant even if you close Chrome or restart your computer.

Your feed

  • Tabs are presented as a vertical feed with descriptions, thumbnail images and highlighted search.
  • The feed remains constant, even if you buy a new Macbook
    or reinstall the operating system, your list will not be deleted.
  • You get a personal email in the format When you send a link to this email, it populates in your feed. You can send links from your mobile and integrate your Tabion account with third-party services.

What else Tabion can do?

  • Configurable number of visible tabs.
  • Unlimited feed length.
  • Closing tab algorithm based on the last time the tab was active.
  • Highlighted search through the feed.